My First Year


My name is Corrina (Bonnydoon Corrina Corrina). I am the cutest Portuguese Water Dog (PWD) you will ever see! If you don't know what a PWD is then please visit the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America. A PWD is a very special dog and I'm the most special of all (just ask me or my humans!).

Here are a few pictures of me and my brother at our California home (i get to have two homes, how about that!)  Sailor and I are about 6 months old here...

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All About Me

I was born on January 20, 1999, in Bonnydoon, Santa Cruz, California.

My mom is Phoebe (Roughrider's Phoebe Flycatcher). Isn't she cute? I look just like her except I'm all black.  I'm just two months old in this one.

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My dad is Garbonzo (Ch Dacher's Gotta Get A Gund). He must be a typical 90's dad because I have never seen him. You can find a picture of him in the The New Complete Portuguese Water Dog, 2nd edition by Kathryn Braund, on page 114.

The Early Weeks

I have nine brothers and sisters. Here we all are eating our first solid food outdoors.

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My New Home

After about 10 weeks my mom got tired of all of us puppies bugging her all the time. So it was a good thing my new humans took me to my new home. Here I am in their pickup truck on the long ride across a big flat place with no trees.

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At my new home I live with Heidi and two cats. Heidi is OK but she is old and doesn't like to play very much. One of the cats (Stubby) will play sometime but he mostly sleeps. The other cat (Maxine) hates me but she has started to share the bed with me at night (if I don't get too close to her!).

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My First Summer

I've had all kinds of fun this summer doing all kinds of fun stuff: puppy classes, doggie summer camp, whitewater rafting, agility classes, human parties with lots of good food, the pet parade, doggie summer camp again, and lots more.

Puppy class: It was boring... I just barely passed!

Summer camp: My humans drove me back across the big flat place with no trees so that I could visit with my mom Phoebe, brother Sailor and uncle Coco for a week. Actually we did this drive twice, once in the spring and once in the fall. That sure was fun... a mountain to run around on, a pond to swin in, an ocean to play in. Here are some pictures from summer camp...

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Whitewater rafting: Wow, was this fun. I floated down the Upper Colorado River with my humans. And I claimed all the waters of the Upper Colorado River and all the lands touched by those waters as THE HIGH MOUNTAIN LANDS OF THE PWD. My mom told me to do this because in 1998 she climbed all the way to the top of Mt Whitney in California and claimed all the moutains, valleys, lakes and rivers that can be seen from that high point as THE LAND OF THE PWD. Now all of us PWDs need to figure out how to keep all those other dogs off of OUR lands!

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Agility class: Now this is a fun class. I just love the tunnels!

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The pet parade: My new friend Francesca took me to the Louisville pet parade.   Lots of fun but too long. I missed my nap that day.

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My first Thanksgiving and Christmas:  These pictures pretty much speak for themselves.

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