UAGII Bonnydoon Corrina Corrina AWD AX AXJ AD AJ AS AR OAC NJC NGC

Bark Bark... Corrina here.  That long name doesn't really suit me very well, please just call me Corrina.  I'm a Portuguese Water Dog and I live with my human mom Connie.  We both live with Hale, Luxo and Stubby (the cat and supreme ruler of the house).  Luxo has his own web site too, and since he has included all of the appropriate PWD information there, i won't repeat it here.  Luxo's web site is at  I especially like the swimming section!

NEWS FLASH - Corrina completed her NADAC Novice Jumpers (NJC) and Open Agility (OAC) titles the weekend of May 7&8, 2005.  We haven't entered very many NADAC trials so this is a nice accomplishment for us.  Mom has trouble remembering the NADAC jumpers courses, but finally put it together.  Corrina, of course, LOVES NADAC Jumpers because there are no weave poles (just like USDAA Jumpers which she also loves and which was the first USDAA event we made it to Masters in).

Corrina completed her Apprentice Water Dog title on July 18, 2004 at the Colorado PWD Club's inaugural water trial at Chatfield Park in Denver.  The previous day she completed her Junior Water Certificate.  WHAT A DOGGIE!  There are some photos of the water trials available at, some of which feature Corrina (you'll know it's Corrina because Connie is the handler).  There are a few photos available in the Water Work section below.

Here's a  photo of me sitting in my spot on the sofa with my princess pillow and teddy bear.  Life as a dog around here is really tough as you can see.

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Technical Specifications

My technical specifications (health and breeder info) are available by clicking here.  My pedigree is also available.

My email address is

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You'll have to type it in since i don't want to start getting a lot of spam because someone harvested my address from this page.

My First Year

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Very early in my life i put together a little web page, but no humans posted it.  It is now available by clicking here.  This page is presented as it was originally written, so much of the information is out of date.  My dear friends Heidi and Coco have since gone to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for their humans to join them.  No one lives at the wonderful place in California any more, but we visited my mom (Phoebe) and brother (Sailor) in Florida in February 2001 and in Michigan in September 2002.  Both places seem to be as nice as  Bonnydoon   was.

Life At Home

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My home life is pretty cushy, or at least it was before Luxo showed up.  I've put together some of my favourite pictures of the times before Luxo (and before my NA and NAJ).  Just click here for details.   (last updated 12-8-01)

On the Road

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As you may have noticed in My First Year, i'm a seasoned traveler.  Mom and I have traveled alone to California many times... the trip from Boulder to Laramie is pretty scenic, but that big flat space with no trees is named I-80 across Wyoming, Utah and Nevada.  To see a few more pictures, click here.  (last updated 5-29-02)

Agility Home and Away

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I love doing agility with mom.  Here i am just waiting for the OK to jump... waiting is the worst part.  I even have my very own equipment out in the back yard.  To see some more pictures, click here.  (last updated 03-29-04)

Water Work

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Here i am waiting for Mom to tell me to go and get the floatline.  I did really well in my first water trial earning both my Junior Water Certificate and Apprentice Water Dog title in the same weekend.  To see a few more photos, click here.  (last updated 01-22-05)

Oops.  Mom (the human one) says i have to stop now... something about she needs the computer to do some real work.  Sheesh, and i was on a roll.   I guess you'll have to check back for more pictures and adventures...

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